give IT. get IT
If you are looking for a Business For Sale in Waterville, ME you can contact give IT. get IT at 12073384233. Full address is: 60 Industrial Stree, they will be happy to assist you. You can also plan your trip to give IT. get IT using Google's free directions service for maps and route planning, but please confirm opening/break times beforehand. Below is a summary of basic information about give IT. get IT where you can find the information you need.
Converting retired corporate tech into tools and opportunities for people since 2002. Companies like IDEXX Laboratories, Sappi, and Bangor Savings Bank ‘give IT’ by having to give IT.
get IT. pickup their retired technology, destroy any data to the highest standards, recycle the non-reusable material to international best practices. The reusable technology is then refurbished to create a high quality, low or no-cost source of computers, training, and support for nonprofits, disadvantaged individuals, and families who need to ‘get IT’ to achieve literacy, health, wellness, employment, and educational goals. The term used to describe this mission is called Digital Inclusion. To date, we have received and processed more than 6 million pounds of retired corporate technology, diverted 1.7 million pounds of that ‘waste’ from disposal to reuse, providing personal computer access throughout Maine and New England used by more than 40,000 people. This consolidation of mission, services, and resources yields a significant increase in capacity and organizational sustainability. “We can now double the amount of material we receive from the corporate sector and proportionately increase the number of crucial tools we provide to help people reach their educational, career, and personal goals,” explains co-founder Chris Martin. “The combining of these two efforts will mean a real and positive impact for the populations we serve, our corporate partners, our environment, and ultimately Maine’s future.”
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60 Industrial StreeWaterville, ME 04901
12073384233 / 12073384233
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Q What is the Contact Phone Number for give IT. get IT?
A Phone number for give IT. get IT is: 12073384233 / 12073384233
Q Where is the give IT. get IT Address Located?
A give IT. get IT is located at 60 Industrial Stree
Q What is give IT. get IT Website Address (URL)?
A give IT. get IT website address is:
Q What is give IT. get IT Email Address (URL)?
A give IT. get IT email address is: [email protected]
Q How is give IT. get IT Rated?
A give IT. get IT has a 0.0 Star Rating from 0 reviewers.
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59 Main Street Liberty, ME 04949
Canaan Public Library
22 Hinckley Road Canaan, ME 04924
Simpson Memorial Library
8 Plymouth Rd Carmel, ME 04419
West Buxton Public Library Association
34 River Road (s.r.112) Buxton, ME 04093
Searsmont Historical Society
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Boothbay Railway Village
Po Box 123 Boothbay, ME 04537-0123
Waponahki Museum And Cultural Resource Center
59 Passamaquoddy Road Perry, ME 04667
North Berwick Historical Socity
Po Box 477 North Berwick, ME 03906
Sebec Historical Society
651 North Rd Sebec, ME 04481
Pownal Scenic And Historical Society
584 Poland Range Road Pownal, ME 04069
35 Miles Street Damariscotta, ME 04543
Mayo Regional Hospital
897 West Main Street Dover Foxcroft, ME 04426
Spring Harbor Hospital
123 Andover Road Westbrook, ME 04092
Northern Light Inland Hospital
200 Kennedy Memorial Drive Waterville, ME 04901
Maine General Medical Center
35 Medical Center Parkway Augusta, ME 04330
Sebasticook Valley Health
447 North Main Street Pittsfield, ME 04967
Saint Joseph's College Of Maine
278 Whites Bridge Rd Standish, ME 04084-5236
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39 Mechanic Street, Suite 500 Westbrook, ME 04092-2878
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100 Larrabee Road Westbrook, ME 04092
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112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090
Unity College
70 Farm View Drive, Suite 200 New Gloucester, ME 04260
Colby College
4000 Mayflower Hill Drive Waterville, ME 04901-8840
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