430 Bath Rd #101, Brunswick, ME 04011Brunswick, ME 04011
8338253223 / (833) 825-3223
Healing Harbors
If you are looking for a Other General Services in Brunswick, ME you can contact Healing Harbors at 8338253223. Full address is: 430 Bath Rd #101, Brunswick, ME 04011, they will be happy to assist you. You can also plan your trip to Healing Harbors using Google's free directions service for maps and route planning, but please confirm opening/break times beforehand. Below is a summary of basic information about Healing Harbors where you can find the information you need.
Healing Harbors is a Maine based CBD company with a mission to "Care for Every Body". We offer hemp infused CBG and CBD self-care products. Buy Maine CBD today.
Healing Harbors is on a personal mission. A mission you’ll find right up front on our logo, and deep in our hearts: CARE FOR EVERY BODY™
That means you, and everyone, everywhere.
We’re not out to conquer the world. We’re out to conquer pain, disability, stress, and anything else that can rob daily life of its joy. To improve quality of life.
So joyfully — in the spirit of Maine kindness and resourcefulness — we make Hemp-based and CBD infused products that are redefining what’s possible in treatment, what’s possible in result, and what’s possible beyond what we dreamed.
Our journey began several years ago: one person making one product for one person. It changed that person’s life. So it’s no surprise that from then on, Healing Harbors has been rooted in personal experiences. Both ours and yours — providing us with the gift of feedback and collaboration to adapt and perfect our products to meet your needs.
As your needs have remained great, so too has our desire to keep improving our line, developing new products, and all the while maintaining the highest standards of quality control. We use the best natural ingredients, sourced as locally as possible, creating products in craft-sized batches in our working farmhouse. We maintain strict control over strengths and purity backed by third party lab testing. Because put simply, we care deeply about your care.
And CARE FOR EVERY BODY™ isn’t just our tagline. It’s our promise to bring care to you, and our hope that you in turn feel empowered to share your better self with the world.
*Please contact the company for company representative contact information.
Due to the nature of this service, commercial information cannot be guaranteed. In case of closure or relocation, please contact us at Closure/Report a Problem.
430 Bath Rd #101, Brunswick, ME 04011Brunswick, ME 04011
8338253223 / (833) 825-3223
Other General Services
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Q What is the Contact Phone Number for Healing Harbors?
A Phone number for Healing Harbors is: 8338253223 / (833) 825-3223
Q Where is the Healing Harbors Address Located?
A Healing Harbors is located at 430 Bath Rd #101, Brunswick, ME 04011
Q What is Healing Harbors Website Address (URL)?
A Healing Harbors website address is: https://healingharbors.com/
Q What is Healing Harbors Email Address (URL)?
A Healing Harbors email address is: [email protected]
Q How is Healing Harbors Rated?
A Healing Harbors has a 0.0 Star Rating from 0 reviewers.
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22 Hinckley Road Canaan, ME 04924
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8 Plymouth Rd Carmel, ME 04419
West Buxton Public Library Association
34 River Road (s.r.112) Buxton, ME 04093
Phillips Public Library
96 Main Street Phillips, ME 04966
Pembroke Library
221 Old County Road Pembroke, ME 04666
Pownal Scenic And Historical Society
584 Poland Range Road Pownal, ME 04069
Buxton-hollis Historical Society
Po Box 34 Buxton, ME 04093-0034
Oakfield Historical Society
Po Box 176 Oakfield, ME 04763-0176
Robbinston Historical Society
Po Box39 Robbinston, ME 04671-0039
Maine Garden Railway Society
82 Carll Rd Buxton, ME 04093-3706
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Po Box 111 Mount Desert, ME 04660-0111
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123 Andover Road Westbrook, ME 04092
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200 Kennedy Memorial Drive Waterville, ME 04901
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35 Medical Center Parkway Augusta, ME 04330
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447 North Main Street Pittsfield, ME 04967
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1 Medical Center Drive Biddeford, ME 04005
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278 Whites Bridge Rd Standish, ME 04084-5236
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39 Mechanic Street, Suite 500 Westbrook, ME 04092-2878
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York County Community College
112 College Drive Wells, ME 04090
Unity College
70 Farm View Drive, Suite 200 New Gloucester, ME 04260
Colby College
4000 Mayflower Hill Drive Waterville, ME 04901-8840
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