American SaniCan

Categories: General Professional

Portland, Oregon OR

American SaniCan

10702 NE Marx St.
Portland, OR 97220

5032520550 / (503) 252-0550


American SaniCan

If you are looking for a General Professional in Portland, OR you can contact American SaniCan at 5032520550. Full address is: 10702 NE Marx St., they will be happy to assist you. You can also plan your trip to American SaniCan using Google's free directions service for maps and route planning, but please confirm opening/break times beforehand. Below is a summary of basic information about American SaniCan where you can find the information you need.

American SaniCan provides portable restroom rental services for construction, events, sports clubs, parks & rec and emergency services. We are a local/veteran owned and operated business serving the Portland/Vancouver Metro area since 1996. We pride ourselves on providing the best products and focus heavily on cleanliness, being on-time and flexible to meet our customers needs. We provide standard and ADA size portable restroom rental services, RV pumping services, hand-washing stations, holding tank rental and pumping services and Emergency service solutions

*Please contact the company for company representative contact information.

Due to the nature of this service, commercial information cannot be guaranteed. In case of closure or relocation, please contact us at Closure/Report a Problem.

Contact Info

10702 NE Marx St.
Portland, OR 97220

5032520550 / (503) 252-0550

[email protected]



General Professional


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Q What is the Contact Phone Number for American SaniCan?

A Phone number for American SaniCan is: 5032520550 / (503) 252-0550

Q Where is the American SaniCan Address Located?

A American SaniCan is located at 10702 NE Marx St.

Q What is American SaniCan Email Address (URL)?

A American SaniCan email address is: [email protected]

Q How is American SaniCan Rated?

A American SaniCan has a 0.0 Star Rating from 0 reviewers.

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