Puradigm LLC

111 C. Street
Encinitas, CA 92024

3109944469 / (310) 994-4469

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Puradigm LLC

If you are looking for a Other General Services in Encinitas, CA you can contact Puradigm LLC at 3109944469. Full address is: 111 C. Street, they will be happy to assist you. You can also plan your trip to Puradigm LLC using Google's free directions service for maps and route planning, but please confirm opening/break times beforehand. Below is a summary of basic information about Puradigm LLC where you can find the information you need.

Air and surface purification: Puradigm® manufactures air disinfection purifiers for viruses and bacteria for a better quality of life. Request a Quote now.

Puradigm was established to bring proven products and solutions to global markets, with a focus on health and wellness for humanity. Our solutions have been authenticated and validated as some of the most effective in the market at reducing surface and air contaminants that can be dangerous to humans and animals. We help our customers understand global challenges and provide solutions for creating safer and cleaner environments. Our team consists of scientists, engineers, innovators and business leaders with decades of experience in product design, engineering, manufacturing, and testing. This unique group of individuals has come together to deliver products and solutions to the global marketplace. The Puradigm team is creating innovative products that are scientifically validated for their effectiveness in the reduction of surface and air pathogens. Furthermore, our superior business model allows us to scale our operations around the world to better serve global customers.

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Due to the nature of this service, commercial information cannot be guaranteed. In case of closure or relocation, please contact us at Closure/Report a Problem.

Contact Info

111 C. Street
Encinitas, CA 92024

3109944469 / (310) 994-4469

[email protected]

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Other General Services


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Q What is the Contact Phone Number for Puradigm LLC?

A Phone number for Puradigm LLC is: 3109944469 / (310) 994-4469

Q Where is the Puradigm LLC Address Located?

A Puradigm LLC is located at 111 C. Street

Q What is Puradigm LLC Website Address (URL)?

A Puradigm LLC website address is:

Q What is Puradigm LLC Email Address (URL)?

A Puradigm LLC email address is: [email protected]

Q How is Puradigm LLC Rated?

A Puradigm LLC has a 0.0 Star Rating from 0 reviewers.

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