Dorsey School Of Business-saginaw


Saginaw, Michigan

Name: Dorsey School Of Business-saginaw
Address: 4390 Bay Rd
City: Saginaw
State: Michigan
Country: U.S. - United States
ZIP Code: 48603

Address Example

Dorsey School Of Business-saginaw

4390 Bay Rd
Saginaw, MI 48603

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Envelope Example

The first step is to write the recipient address:
First, you need to fill in the recipient's mailing information in the center of the envelope. The first line is also the recipient's name. When writing the recipient's name, pay attention to the title, and write the person's title and name in the middle of the envelope. On the second line, write the recipient's full address, including any associated apartment or suite numbers. The more detailed the better. The third line writes the recipient's city, state, and zip code, this information is the last line of the address.

The second step is to write the reply address:
The return address is three lines, the first line will be the sender's name. The second line writes the sender's detailed address, including the street address, please remember to write the house number. On the third line write your city, state abbr, and zip code.

Finally, don't forget to stick the stamp on the right top corner. Otherwise, the letter will not go into the delivery process.

How to Read Zip Code


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