
Postal Code 899-5304 - Kagoshima-shi

Postal Code, Address, Pronunciation, Kana, Japanese Aira-shi, Kagoshima-shi

〒 899-5304 This postal code belongs to the following area. You can see the zip code map.

Postal code basic information

English Japanese
899-5304 〒 899-5304
Kamouchoushimogyuutoku, Aira-shi, Kagoshima-shi 鹿児島県姶良市蒲生町下久徳
Kamouchoushimogyuutoku 蒲生町下久徳(かもうちょうしもぎゅうとく)
Aira-shi 姶良市(あいらし)
Kagoshima-shi 鹿児島県

Update date:2024 / 05 / 18

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